Related: Best JRPGs For Nintendo Switch Fans The power of the main jobs has changed since the original. This ups its shields up to. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「All Battle Bonuses Explained: How to Get Untouched, Break, and Overkill Bonus | Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)」 with us!. Category:Octopath Traveler II Towns. The Rusty Dagger is on the Shipwreck of the Empress, which you need the boat to get to. Past them is a fork. Osvald V. Go to the right and. Path to Mount Liphia. Read on to discover the different chests in. With Blessing in Disguise, it will buff this stat. With this job, you’ll be able to equip daggers, polearms. : Triggered at the start of the battle on the. You can start this quest by talking to the injured man in the northwestern corner of the village of Sai. ago. It also supports cool features such as search-anything and progress tracking on markers, quests and items. In practice, however, its unique. Read on to find a summary of this chapter, possible side stories, use of Throne's Path Actions and Talents, enemies encountered, tips and strategies to beat the chapter's boss, chest locations, and more!Latent Powers are a new feature to Octopath Traveler 2, which gives each traveler an ability that’s completely unique to them. Rusty Axe. First you will need to acquire a ship of your own. Chapter 3. In Timberain, go to the Town Square screen. I'm pretty sure I found that in the Shipwreck of the Empress. She was an exotic dancer which often includes prostitution but its not the same, i think its more similar to strippers than prostitutes. Octopath Traveler 2 seems perfectly happy with just being the same experience again, only with different stories. Alrond is 100x so 10000%!Summon is Temenos, Agnea, Partitio, and Ochette's talent. area leave. Osvald V. And quite a few have some very challenging bosses and great loot within. Octopath Traveler II; List of Shields [] Name Effect Buy Sell Source(s) Cursed Shield +133 +133 -66 33,330 6,666 Cursed Shield +133 +133 Evasion -66: 33,330. Dock there then head for the savepoint. • Shipwreck of the Empress (Lv. The largest of these is Toto'haha, which was first encountered by continental pioneers twenty years ago. There is only one strategy to adopt when it comes to defeating the Doron and Veron duo bosses. To reach. • Shipwreck of the Empress (Lv. Timberain Castle Town Square: Challenge Dueling Guard. Tatlock will endlessly summon soldiers to the battlefield to absorb their lifeforces in. Defeating all five bosses within will earn you the Proof of the Conjurer. There are quite a few scenes to watch after beating Vados, but this is the end of the chapter. Deals highly powerful non-elemental damage to all foes, and reduces their Shield Points regardless of their weak points. Use a canoe to disembark to the west and you will find a ladder. East of Forest Path. The structure of Octopath 2 mirrors the original without much deviation to the formula where I was free to choose my starting protagonist and recruit the remaining characters in any order that I desired. updated Sep 5, 2023. Northwest of the Shipwreck of the Empress. Dreadwolf is an enemy in Octopath Traveler II. If Partitio is dead when this happens, he will be revived. Back Pain - SP Cost: 0 - Reduce your evasion and speed for 3 turns. Like the first game, Octopath Traveler 2 is a turn-based RPG with a unique “HD-2D” art style. When going through the house at night prior to returning the box, various sounds are heard throughout the manor, including banging on the front doors, laughter, and papers shuffling. After the cold snap that assailed the eastern continent in the previous century, the order established its. Ironically, Vide is also French for "void". Cavern of Waves is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. PYROBALL20 • 5 mo. At. It is where Temenos' story begins. ago. 48). These. How to Beat the Deep One in Octopath Traveler 2. Use a Path Action to knock him out. Octopath Traveler Master Enemy Weakness List. Danger Level: 48. Monster. Embark on this thrilling adventure by visiting Gravell in the Wildlands and engaging with the Retired Blacksmith. They have a special weapon for each of these weapon types that also enabled the use of a powerful damage skill. This a walkthrough guide to Chapter 1 of Throne's Storyline in Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2). Characters in the S-Tier are the best of the best. I was midway through saying "oh its probably just a new IP" when. Let us know in the comments if there are additional chests you've found that have Platinum Shield. Northwest of the Shipwreck of the Empress. The right door is just a kitchen, so head into the door on the left. In addition to eight separate stories and a shared conclusion, there are numerous optional dungeons, dozens of memorable side quests, and a battle system that's well worth mastering. Old Campsite. Date Posted: Mar 7 @ 11:27am. The entrance to the Altar is located in the Eastern Sai Sands and can be found via a path. Partitio can be found in the town of Oresrush on the Western Continent, which is marked on your in-game Map with a picture. martinsdudek • 6 mo. Will not remove a weakness if Tyrannodrake only has one weakness left. 9 out of 10. Follow this one to reach a chest with Thunder Mace. She calls her big sister “Agnie” and supports her dream with all her heart. Nameless Isle is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. If you have 4 followers, that makes your party 8 ppl and the bridge will collapse under. 2. Square Enix also announced a cross-platform release on Steam, PS5, PS4 and the Nintendo Switch. It stands to reason, then, that Octopath Traveler 2 also has a rock-solid list of trophies to its name. This is the Shipwreck of the Empress, one of several optional dungeons in the game. Welcome to the Octopath Traveler Wiki! Be advised, many pages may contain unmarked spoilers!. Lighthouse Island • Curious Nest • Shipwreck of the Empress • Nameless Isle • The Lost Isle • Vidania • Gate of Finis. Thief is a recurring job. The Sundering Sea is the sea that separates the western and eastern continents of Solistia. With this job, you’ll be able to equip daggers, polearms. . Thank you. Firstly. Defeating all five bosses within will earn you the Proof of the Conjurer. Head west and down the stairs through the building archway. The Journey for the Dawn. The Warriors Guild is located in the town of Sai in Hinoeuma. Go to the shipyard by going to the right. Upon arriving in Sai, Partitio will realize that the legendary merchant, Masoud, is in town. At 20% of her maximum health, Mother will increase her maximum. Vanstein, the Scholar • Frigit Isle; Agnea Bristani, the Dancer • New Delsta Lights • New Delsta Theater; Temenos Mistral, the Cleric • Canalbridge Investigation. The archaeologist Georges Lazuli from Montwise is on an expedition here. The Wyrm's Scales Shimmer:Changes Tyrannodrake's weaknesses to Adaptive Evolution: Remove a weakness as it gets hits. Anyway, once you have 3 NPCs following you, go ahead and leave Stormhail via the south. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Abandoned Village Guide: Chest Locations, Shops, Events | Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)」 with us!. Characters seems to be more involved in each character's story. After returning the box and completing the side quest, the sounds disappear. The Rusty Dagger is located in the Shipwreck of the Empress, the remains of a sailing vessel stranded in the middle of the Sundering Sea. Unlocking the ship gives you access to a new region to explore — the Sundering Sea. S-Tier. Read on to discover the different chests in Western Conning Creek Coast, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found. Get the Rusty Bow from the Sinking Ruins. Apothecary is a starting job in Octopath Traveler II. Creek • Roque Island • Cavern of the Sea God • Cavern of the Moon and Sun • Sacred Guard Ship: Toto'haha:. Shipwreck of the Empress, The Sundering Sea: Head to Crackridge Harbor: Anchorage, Wildlands. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. To unlock the Rusty Staff, head to the Seat of the Water Sprite in Flamechurch, Crestlands. Osvald manages to escape unnoticed and awakens in a small fishing village named Cape Cold. Read on to discover the different chests in Cavern of Waves, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found. Wild Waltz: Glamorous Gambol: Light Step: Soothing Step:. RELATED: Octopath Traveler 2 and Bravely Default 2 are Good Omens for Square Enix Fans. Once you destroy this first phase, you will be taken. Head west and down the stairs through the building archway. Sewing is an. Head to a house in the southeast, speak to the inhabitant, Arkar, and he will give you the Proof of the Inventor. Utilize Physical Defense Skills. That's right - in order to purchase the boat, you will need to save up one hundred thousand leaves. Before you can buy a boat, you need a Merchant to negotiate for you. BuckeyeBentley • 4 mo. In order for us to make the best articles possible, share your corrections, opinions, and thoughts about 「Eastern Flamechurch Pass Guide: Chest Locations, Shops, Events | Octopath Traveler 2 (Octopath 2)」 with us!. It can be Entreated from a Young Man found in Crackridge in the Wildlands at level 80. Keep all of this up and this battle will be yours to win. To sum up this Octopath Traveler 2 guide, players can get the EXP Augmentor by unlocking the ship and traveling to the east of Frigid Isle. You'll need to spend 100,000 leaves to buy the boat. While the majority of their skills focus on supporting their team, they do have a few powerful damage options. Latent abilities are a new feature in Octopath Traveler 2. Bribe the one on the right for the hidden item Critical Nut (L) inside the tavern. It has. From here, you have two routes to take: the Crackridge Route or the much higher-level Stormhail Route. Attack: Physical damage. In the southeast of the map you'll find a whirlpool. (Think of a Limit Break from Final Fantasy. Scrutinize/inquire from him to learn Ned's Romantic Advice . The NPC has the following behavior: Each turn after. In general, the higher the NPC strength, the lower the base success rate. Osvald V. No armorer or vendor in this location. The ruins of a once mighty ship, the Shipwreck of the Empress is only accessible once your team has a boat of their own. Have Partitio in the party and fast travel to Tropu'hopu at the Toto'haha region. However, the group was attacked with most of the members being killed by a group led by Petrichor, who was referred to as the Dark Hunter, with Cataracta being killed by her as a. She is the bodyguard of Dolcinaea Luciel and the boss of Agnea’s chapter 4. It can be found in a chest in the Shipwreck of the Empress. The tale begins by speaking to the Fledgling Fisherman near the save point in the. 1. In the middle of the Sundering Sea, players can find a shipwreck with a dock they can land on. You’ll find the rusty dagger on the Shipwreck of the Empress - one of the Ship Dungeons in The Sundering Sea region of Octopath Traveler 2. The Arcanist has the ability to spread the effect of self-only spells to the rest of the party, similar to the Runelord's skill Transfer Rune. Oresrush. " “Everything on this island is the personal property of President Roque. Its weaknesses are Sword, Axe, Staff, Fire, and Light. It’s a secret job that’s recommended for physical attackers like Throne, Hikari and Ochette. This is the Shipwreck of the Empress, one of several optional. gizzyjones • 6 mo. Enter the opening partially. published on 16 August 2021. He has been slumbering for eons, though his occasional movements are so intense they cause earthquakes to the. It’s a level 48 area, but if you. Of course Partitio being the good hearted person that he is decides to barge into the nearby house to. Okay, so, back when I told you about the Octopath Traveler 2 armsmaster secondary job,. Danger Level: 48. Head back into the now and head to the upper eastern portion. You will encounter the Sea Scourge in the southeast region of Tropu’hapu. It is a sequel to Octopath Traveler (2018), and the third entry in the series after the prequel mobile game Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent (2020), though it features a new cast of characters and setting separate. There’s a tower with a guard. Cateracta was one of the three Creatures of Legend that stopped the Night of the Scarlet Moon 400 years ago. 45) The Lost. Keep in mind that if the item is sold in Black Markets, you'll have to visit it at night. The Cleric and The Thief. When used, the NPC follower will temporarily appear alongside the travelers in battle. Curious Nest is one of the Tunnel Dungeons in The Sundering Sea region of Octopath Traveler 2. You need to make use of the Icicle abilities. Skypiercer can be purchased from shops across Solistia. Mistral is an Occitan word meaning 'masterly'. Following the journey of the mysterious man from the book she acquired from Captain Leone Bastralle, Tressa has made her way to Quarrycrest. This dungeon is only. ”" — Tavern Assistant Roque Island is a town in Octopath Traveler II, owned by the magnate Roque Brilliante. 4K subscribers Subscribe No views 1 minute ago #OctopathTraveler. Lighthouse Island • Curious Nest • Shipwreck of the Empress • Nameless Isle • The Lost Isle • Vidania. The Cleric is a fairly weak starting character. Obtaining the boat requires using Partitio the Merchant’s Path Action Purchase, so he must join your band first. Read on to discover the different chests in Sacred Guard Ship, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found. Hi guys you remember in final fantasy games if you do like 300 battles using cursed shield it becomes uncursed and super cool. Sinking Ruins is one of the Tomb Dungeons in the Toto'haha region of Octopath Traveler 2. The Rusty Dagger can be found here. Depending on when you reach this quest, that may seem insurmountable, or. • Shipwreck of the Empress (Lv. (Pronounced as "kù” in Chinese. Single target. 2 Healing Grape (M) Demon Jellyfish 6,451 4 Energizing Pomegranate (M) Giant Gator 8,859 6 Herb-of-Grace Bud Thorny Eel (Water Only) 6,451 5How to get Cursed Helmet? (Spoiler) Supposedly, the cursed helmet is in the house blocked by the girl in Lostseed, next to the inn. ) The. Octopath Traveler 2: Where to Find All Rusty Weapon Locations. It is Temenos' Chapter 2 dungeon, where he and Crick pursue Vados the Architect to make him answer for orchestrating the murder of Pontiff Jörg. If order to get a ship in Octopath Traveler 2 you must complete the Scent of Commerce Side Story for Partitio in Tropu'hopu. It appears as a optional boss that can be fought in the deepest reach of the Infernal Castle. Castti’s Chapter 3 story in Octopath Traveler 2 finally brings us to the abandoned village in the Brightlands that we’ve only seen in mysterious flashbacks. As soon as the scent of commerce starts we'll hear someone calling out for helm. Veil of Trees is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. ) The. Merchant - Pay 100,000 and 300,000 leaves. Once you reach the point of Great Calamity, the Deep One’s signature move, your entire team will be reduced to 1 HP. We finally complete the Shipwreck of the Empress on the Sundered Sea. Octopath Traveler is a JRPG dream come true. Shipwreck of the Empress is one of the Ship Dungeons in the The Sundering Sea region of Octopath Traveler 2. Canalbrine Bridge Guide: Chest Locations, Shops, Events. Empress Tatloch is an enemy in Octopath Traveler: Champions of the Continent. As one of the three Beasts of Legend, Tera resides in the subterranean Bed of the Titan at Crackridge. Chapter 2. While they have early healing like the Apothecary, they generally lack offensive power early on, despite their higher Elemental. Like the previous game in the series, Octopath Traveler II has a few secret jobs that players can unlock, which add greater versatility and abilities to their main characters. Chapter 1: The Beginning. A sequel Octopath Traveler is currently in the works. Vanstein is one of eight playable characters and the possible main protagonist of Octopath Traveler II. However, this statement can only be true if the day-night cycle can be manipulated by the player. Read on to discover the different chests in The Lost Isle, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found. This is an in-depth guide to the Armsmaster job in Octopath Traveler 2. It is the dungeon for Agnea's Chapter 1. This dagger can be found at the end of the optional dungeon Shipwreck of the Empress (Lv. She initially appears as a minor NPC in the Master of Power, but is later revealed to be the one behind the events of said path (and indirectly the Master of Fame one) and becomes the main antagonist of. 38) Forsaken Graveyard (Lv. All Gramophone Song Locations. Rusty Bow. The Level 48 dungeon is located in the northwest of the Sundering Seas. Osvald V. I think the Duskruin is for someone's final chapter considering that its in one of the final towns. OCTOPATH TRAVELER II, the next entry in the critically acclaimed OCTOPATH TRAVELER RPG series, will release on February 24, 2023 on Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC via STEAM. Octopath Traveler II - A Mysterious Box Walkthrough. As the name suggests, it is a job that involves inventing various weapons that take multiple turns to build but are often quite powerful when used. Gate of Finis is a location in The Sundering Sea where Galdera is fought in Octopath Traveler II. This. Kū (or kyū) is a Japanese term used in several martial arts to indicate rank or level of experience. The Dazzling Tiara is usually sold for 13000 Leaves. Uncovering the weaknesses of all the game's (non-boss, non-unique) enemies will net you the Strategist achievement. 48)Mother's Garden is a dungeon location in Octopath Traveler II. Osvald V. As you get close to the whirlpool, you’ll get a notification saying you feel an ominous presence. Lighthouse Island • Curious Nest • Shipwreck of the Empress • Nameless Isle • The Lost Isle • Vidania • Gate of Finis. Octopath Traveler II is a worthy sequel to the growing Octopath series, a franchise that will hopefully continue to expand. I tried buying, then using the forbidden elixir from her, nothing changed. There's no lowering it. If the boss is still alive, repeat the process. Thanks Square Enix for the key!Octopath Traveler 2 Shipwreck of the Empress All Item Locations and Quests. He is the main antagonist and final boss of Osvald's story. Sail with your ship to the east, and you will see a dock with a shipwreck. ago. Note that to the north is a very hard to see path. From the fountain, go west until you find a guard in front of a tower. . com. Octopath Traveler. Following the release of the first installment in the. It is currently unknown if this NPC serves a purpose with this. Vanstein, the Scholar • Frigit Isle; Agnea Bristani, the Dancer • New Delsta Lights • New Delsta Theater; Temenos Mistral, the Cleric • Canalbridge Investigation. $349. After it is defeated, it may appear as a random encounter in the Sundering Sea, where it may be captured. The Skypiercer is usually sold for 60000 Leaves. That leaves the basic dungeon exploration and lack of puzzles as underdeveloped as. Players can obtain their own ship, the Grand Terry by completing Partitio's Scent of Commerce quest in Tropu'hopu, Toto'haha. Here is how to get it. Troupe Dancer is an enemy in Octopath Traveler II that only appear when summoned by La'mani during chapter 2 of Agnea's story. Click to enlarge. Lighthouse Island • Curious Nest • Shipwreck of the Empress • Nameless Isle • The Lost Isle • Vidania • Gate of Finis. You can also steal a Hand-Sewn Gloves from her, which increases EDEF by 60 AND gives the wearer EDEF Up at the start of the fight. One day, a giant wave threatened. Read on to discover the different chests in Shipwreck of the Empress, main quests and side stories that happen here, other points of interest, and a list of all enemies and monsters that can be found. Travel to Clockbank: Industrial District. The Thieves Guild is located in the Clockbank: Industrial District of Clockbank in the Brightlands. Chapter 2. Octopath Traveler 2 follows eight new characters on their personal journeys. Chapter 2. Lighthouse Island • Curious Nest • Shipwreck of the Empress • Nameless Isle • The Lost Isle • Vidania. Hello, and welcome to Temenos Chapter 2! If you're reading. Certain NPCs,. Make for Lucian's House. 4. Here are each of the six locations: Rusty Staff → Seat of the Water Sprite dungeon, East of the Flamechuch. Octopath Traveler 2 boasts a plethora of dungeons some of which are easy to spot while others are more elusive. Chapter 2. The three disc were released in Japan on May 17, 2023. No people in this location. The original Octopath Traveler had several tough optional bosses, all with worthy rewards. forbiddenlake • 6 mo. The Journey for the Dawn. Pala Bristarni is a character in Octopath Traveler II. This will. Quicksand Gaol: Lord of the Sands boss. All of his weaknesses will be locked and he will dodge all attacks while the Steam Engine is operational. Thurston will begin battle disguised as Enemy in the Mist, accompanied by the Steam Engine. 5. Keeping said factors in mind, we can rank Octopath Traveler 2 characters in three different tiers, the S-Tier, A-Tier, and B-Tier. A scholar of magic on par with Osvald, he betrayed his former colleague by murdering his family and stole his research for his own gain. 48)". While they have early healing like the Apothecary, they generally lack offensive power early on, despite their higher Elemental. Move towards the foreground to get to this chest. Leave the city and head south to the save point. Starfall Spring. This is a big departure from the first game, where all eight protagonists are humans. New Delsta Harbor Anchorage is one of the Routes in the Brightlands region of Octopath Traveler 2. Getting a ship of your own isn’t easy. At night, there is a child NPC by the entrance to the Abandoned Road. 3rd License: Master Thief’s Sapphire Stone – Located in a gold chest in the Shipwreck of the Empress dungeon. Ignore the stairs to the left and go right for now. This is the easy part (and link is below). This one can be found at the end of the optional dungeon "Shipwreck of the Empress (Lv. His ability, when summoned, is basically a version of bewildering grace that fucks with you less - I summoned him 6 times, and got 'EXP x 100' to trigger 3 times. 48)Chapter 2. Guide to all treasures of the Shipwreck of the Empress in Octopath Traveler 2: locations of. I would not want to be a Houthi guard. As you exit town go ahead and. When reporting a problem, please be as specific as possible in providing details. Cross the bridge further south and on the other side head up the stairs and go north into the cave first. Some of the chests we've found that contain Platinum Shield are listed above. It may only be accessed once Hikari's story has been completed. Mother's Garden is one of the Forest Dungeons in the Leaflands region of Octopath Traveler 2. The Dusk ruin shrine is part of Osvald ch5 an the shipwreck houses one of the rusted weapons needed for the arms master class. The reception of Octopath Traveler 2 has been strong, with many people praising its evolution of the formula that made its predecessor such an unexpected success. My journey began with Throné, an orphan who was raised by the Blacksnakes- an influential group of thieves and assassins. In Octopath Traveler 2, the hunter protagonist is Ochette, a Beastling from the island of Toto'haha. Defeat this presence and lay claim to the Rusty Bow. This is complemented by one of its skills that allows it to increase its physical attack damage. Chapter 2. A game trailer was first shown as part of a Nintendo Direct. To hel. 21K subscribers Share 99 views 3 months ago I came here in search of the item that would unlock an extra thief. She was the one who sent Gonska to spread chaos in Orsterra and weakening their forces so they would be. Saw this post and went in to try solve it. . Osvald V. 0:00 / 5:24 Octopath Traveler 2 - Shipwreck of the Empress TheHeroOfLight 4. According to Yasunori Nishiki, both of his battle themes (Vide, the Wicked and Those Who Deny the Dawn) have male vocal lead to match the. Timberain: (0:00)Never a Dull Moment: (3:30)Platinum Shield: (5:35)Invigorating Nut (L): (5:40)Shipwreck of the Empress: (7:25)- Inspiriting Plum Basket: (7:. Octopath Traveler II - Toto'haha Region Walkthrough. There's a lot of video game in Octopath Traveler 2. Giving the Inventor character more materials gives players more weapons to work with. Porta will forge it into the Dancer’s Blade. Give him the sword to complete the “Proof of Guilt” Octopath Traveler 2 side story. It's located in. 2. Keep going and you will encounter a guard blocking the door of the building. Using the ship in Octopath Traveler 2 is thankfully very easy, as all you need to do is head to a port and climb up the ship's ladder to start sailing. 48)Head upstairs and during the night you can bribe the man with Hikari. Osvald Chapter 2 Walkthrough. Shipwreck of the Empress (location) Home; Solistia; The Sundering Sea; Shipwreck of the Empress; People. In order to acquire said boat you'll need to complete one of Partitio's Scent of Commerce quests, specifically the one based in Tropu'hopu. To obtain the. Thief is a recurring job. Shipwreck of the Empress: Lighthouse Island: Nameless Isle: The Lost Isle: On the Water: Curious Nest: Gate of Finis: Vidania:The Gate of Finis, also known as the ??? Island in The Sundering Sea is opened after completing three side quests, namely: The Traveler's Bag, Procuring Peculiar Tomes, and From the Far Reaches of Hell. No people in this location. Thief - Additional Licenses: Thieves' Gem - NPC:Clockbank | Master Thief's Sapphire Stone - Chest: Shipwreck of the Empress (Sundering Sea) Hunter - Additional Licenses: Quicksand Monster's Liver (Quicksand Gaol Boss) | Sea Monster's. Established roughly 380 years ago, the Sacred Guard was the brainchild of Archbishop Kinchler. Troupe Dancer is an enemy in Octopath Traveler II that only appear when summoned by La'mani during chapter 2 of Agnea's story. Cavern of Waves is one of the Mountain Dungeons in the Toto'haha region of Octopath Traveler 2. It is the setting for Temenos' Chapter 4. Battle your way to the Captain’s Quarters and claim the Rusty. There’s no boss to go through, but the Danger Level is very high. Well that's clearly 2 different things! Make for the moneylender's mansion. It’s a level 48 area, but if you. Scent of Commerce are little "sidequests" that are available right after you complete Partitio's Chapter 1 and he decides to. Rusty Bow: Head to the Nameless Village and go to the Sinking Ruins. Once the phantom is defeated, he will return to battle. The Merchants Guild is located in Western Crackridge Wilds in the Wildlands.